The tagline of our appliance service company has always been “Your hometown hero for appliance repair,” a line inspired by a customer who wrote to tell us we were her hero. When we read her note, we knew right away that’s what we wanted to be: your hometown hero.
We were already Nebraska Home Appliance though, a name chosen by my grandparents, Doug and Anne Carlson, back in 1988. And so we continued to hone our skills and win honors under that name, saving the day of more and more customers every year. A hero in all but name.
But ever since we were asked by our partners to serve their customers in Iowa, Kansas and Missouri, our original name just hasn’t felt right. And to tell the truth, it never meant much to you. No matter our name, we were the company with the superhero on our service trucks.
It’s time we owned it. Time we became who we’ve always been in our hearts. And so it is with immense pride that I announce we will now be called Hometown Hero Appliance Repair, knowing without a doubt that the amazing teams we’ve assembled are ready to live up to the name.
Whenever you need help, give us a shout. Our heroes are ready to answer the call.
Todd Daganaar
Hometown Hero Appliance Repair